Square Enix e theohetse theko ea lipapali tsa eona lebenkeleng la Steam.
Litheolelo tse kholo ka ho fetisisa e ne e le letoto la Just Conse, Life is Strange and Deus Ex. Ts'ebetso lefats'eng le bulehileng Just sababu ea 2 e theohetse 90% ea theko mme joale e bitsa li-ruble tse 32. Karolo ea pele ea projeke e oele ka 87%, 'me sebaka sa katleho e fumaneha ka litheolelo tsa 85%.
Tsebelisano-leseling Life bophelo bo makatsa ebile tlatsetso ea eona Pele Sefefo se theohela karolo ea 80 le 70 ea theko, ka ho latellana. Karolo ea bobeli e oele ka theko makhetlo a 2.
Ketso eo ha ea ka ea feta ka mokhoa oa khale oa cyberpunk oa bolotsana Deus Ex. Moloko oa Batho o arohaneng o bitsa li-ruble tse 97, mme e 'ngoe ea likarolo tse atlehileng ka ho fetisisa tsa Phetohelo ea Batho e bitsa li-ruble tse 59. Classic Deus Ex e rekisoa ka theolelo ea 87% mme e bitsa li-ruble tse 20.
Kholiso e tla tšoarella ho fihlela la 25 Pherekhong. Litheolelo, ho latela litsebi, li amana le mathata a lichelete a mohatisi a bakoang ke thekiso e sa atlehang ea Shadow of the Tomb Raider and Just Cenza 4. Kamora ho se atlehe 2018, babusi ba Square Enix ba ile ba fokotsa palo ea likhaohano tsa nts'etsopele ho tloha ho 11 ho isa ho 4.